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Concord Floral

By Jordan Tannahill
Directed by Ann-Marie Kerr
Music by Carter MacDonald and Peter Fillman
Background image by Karyn McCallum 

Because Life without Beauty...

Warning: Contains sexual content and mature themes, may not be suitable for children

October 13th-17th, 2020

Show available here:


Concord Floral is an abandoned greenhouse and a hangout for neighbourhood kids. But something has happened there. Something that nobody can talk about. And when two friends stumble upon the terrible secret buried there, they set off a chain of events that can't be stopped. Concord Floral re-imagines Giovanni Boccaccio's medieval allegory The Decameron in a contemporary Halifax suburb, in which teenagers must flee a mysterious plague they have brought upon themselves.


...Is Unbearable


We would like to thank Neptune Theatre for their generous support of this production.

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